Слух: триумфальное возвращение PS2-шутера в 2011 году
Апрельский выпуск небезызвестного журнала Official PlayStation Magazine сообщает нам о неком шутере, завоевавшем популярность во времена PlayStation 2 и готовом к триумфальному возвращению в 2011 году на PlayStation 3. Этот слух опубликован в соответствующем разделе издания под названием "Машина слухов": "Один из самых лучших командных шутеров для PlayStation 2 готовится к триумфальному возвращению на PlayStation 3. Релиз проекта запланирован на 2011 год".
Сложно сказать, о каком именно шутере идет речь. Вроде бы самый главный командный боевик из серии, завоевавшей неплохую популярность во времена PS2, уже анонсирован: им стал недавний SOCOM 4. Остается лишь строить догадки и ждать официальных комментариев.
Блин, даёшь сиквел Блэка и онли пс3=))) Но это не он, он не командный и был на боксе, а жаль=((

Black is back as Codemasters raises the Bodycount
The veteran UK publisher reveals a brand new hyper-kinetic first-person shooter.
It's called Bodycount and it's from the co-designer of frenzied PS2 classic, Black: that may be all that veteran FPS fanatics need to know about Codesmasters' new IP, set to hit Xbox 360 and PS3 in the first quarter of 2011. Announced today, it's a contemporary shooter, set amid a clandestine global power struggle - you're an elite agent/hitman/killer with enough modern weaponry to sink an ocean liner and an open brief to use it all at your discretion.
Powered by the in-house EGO engine (Race Driver, Operation Flashpoint 2, et al), the game is being put-together by what Codemasters has referred to as an all-star team, based at the publisher's Guildford studio. Indeed, creative director Stuart Black, once of Criterion, helped to create Black, the slick and absolutely ceaseless blaster that brought a new lease of life to the PS2 in its autumn years. In a recent interview with the Official Xbox Magazine, he criticised the current crop of FPS titles, calling the standard cover-based gameplay (i.e. wait for AI enemy to break cover then pop him in the head. Repeat until dead), "fucking boring".
So what's the alternative?
"If Race Driver: GRID was all about the purity of racing, then everything in Bodycount is absolutely centred on the bullet and its impact on the world," says Black. "Our shredding tech enables us to create a different kind of gameplay, where players and AI can't hide behind indestructible cover and rely on whack-a-mole mechanics. Here the environment is constantly changing as the game world is shot to hell; it's going to be a huge amount of fun."
Okay, so destructible cover has been done by Bad Company among others, but Bodycount is clearly marrying this with a more overtly stylised experience in which bullet damage becomes a key visual and physical theme. Codemasters has historically been very good at inhabiting and re-setting genres, its Colin McRae and Pete Sampras titles effectively cornering their respective sports genres via fluid, intuitive gameplay. And as the anti-Gran Turismo, the GRID series has brought attitude and grit to the modern driving sim.
I'm not sure if an obsession with bullet physics and collapsible walls will really re-invent the FPS, but this will be an interesting attempt nonetheless.

Есле это будет Блэк 2 !!!!!!!!!!!! и ОНЛИ ПС3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! То это будет КРУТО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! и УДАР ПРО МЕЖ НОГ БОКСИку!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ну БЛЭК же полюбому......Его чет как то вообще забыли...А он ведь реально крут был!!Даёшь Блэк 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Black is back as Codemasters raises the Bodycount
The veteran UK publisher reveals a brand new hyper-kinetic first-person shooter.
It's called Bodycount and it's from the co-designer of frenzied PS2 classic, Black: that may be all that veteran FPS fanatics need to know about Codesmasters' new IP, set to hit Xbox 360 and PS3 in the first quarter of 2011. Announced today, it's a contemporary shooter, set amid a clandestine global power struggle - you're an elite agent/hitman/killer with enough modern weaponry to sink an ocean liner and an open brief to use it all at your discretion.
Powered by the in-house EGO engine (Race Driver, Operation Flashpoint 2, et al), the game is being put-together by what Codemasters has referred to as an all-star team, based at the publisher's Guildford studio. Indeed, creative director Stuart Black, once of Criterion, helped to create Black, the slick and absolutely ceaseless blaster that brought a new lease of life to the PS2 in its autumn years. In a recent interview with the Official Xbox Magazine, he criticised the current crop of FPS titles, calling the standard cover-based gameplay (i.e. wait for AI enemy to break cover then pop him in the head. Repeat until dead), "fucking boring".
So what's the alternative?
"If Race Driver: GRID was all about the purity of racing, then everything in Bodycount is absolutely centred on the bullet and its impact on the world," says Black. "Our shredding tech enables us to create a different kind of gameplay, where players and AI can't hide behind indestructible cover and rely on whack-a-mole mechanics. Here the environment is constantly changing as the game world is shot to hell; it's going to be a huge amount of fun."
Okay, so destructible cover has been done by Bad Company among others, but Bodycount is clearly marrying this with a more overtly stylised experience in which bullet damage becomes a key visual and physical theme. Codemasters has historically been very good at inhabiting and re-setting genres, its Colin McRae and Pete Sampras titles effectively cornering their respective sports genres via fluid, intuitive gameplay. And as the anti-Gran Turismo, the GRID series has brought attitude and grit to the modern driving sim.
I'm not sure if an obsession with bullet physics and collapsible walls will really re-invent the FPS, but this will be an interesting attempt nonetheless.
Ты хоть бы суть перевел, не все же наверное таки проффесионалы как ты, в англ. языке (я то хоть и с горем пополам но суть понял, а другие).