14.06.2011 14:47

телочке с Е3 2011

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32 комментария
17 июня 2011 года в 14:45

А вот еще одна с выставки Е3. И как уверяют журналисты сайта ign.com она:

...playing video games. "[Super Smash Bros. Melee] is my favorite game because it's so nostalgic. When I was younger, I had cousins who would bring over their GameCube, and we would play until the early hours of the morning," Dina says, "I would always end up kicking their butts with Kirby."

She also owns a Wii and a Nintendo 64. According to Dina, she adores "the James Bond games for Nintendo 64; probably more than I enjoy Super Smash Bros."

Так что и в игры они тоже играют :)


+1 0   -1 0
17 июня 2011 года в 16:08


А вот еще одна с выставки Е3. И как уверяют журналисты сайта ign.com она:

...playing video games. "[Super Smash Bros. Melee] is my favorite game because it's so nostalgic. When I was younger, I had cousins who would bring over their GameCube, and we would play until the early hours of the morning," Dina says, "I would always end up kicking their butts with Kirby."

She also owns a Wii and a Nintendo 64. According to Dina, she adores "the James Bond games for Nintendo 64; probably more than I enjoy Super Smash Bros."

Так что и в игры они тоже играют :)


ооох тыж йпт... ааафигеть

вот с такой уже и поиграть можна ))))))))))) ррррр

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