21.07.2011 11:55

O-o-o-k. Новая игра от Suda 51. Как всегда, все гениальное просто.

Described as "a piece of 'pop' zombie entertainment", it'll star a skimpily dressed cheerleader tearing zombies to pieces using a chainsaw inside a US high school.

"Actually I've wanted to do a crazy horror-action game like this set in a school for a while now," Suda told Famitsu (via 1UP). "Something where the classrooms, corridors, gymnasium and so on are suddenly transformed into something completely different."

Suda went on to say it won't be a particularly gory game. "Instead of sprays of blood, we have the zombies emitting bursts of pink light. When it comes to gore, we can certainly go that way if we want, but we wanted to give the game more of a 'pop' feel.

"Part of the gameplay might involve sound as well," he added, "although exactly how we're still keeping a secret."

According to the report, Grasshopper's already secured an overseas publisher committed to releasing the game in English.

"The game's framework is complete, and now we're deep into the fine-tuning process," Suda said. "I'd place it at around 70 percent complete. It's really a new era for zombie games - a piece of 'pop' zombie entertainment."

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3 комментария
21 июля 2011 года в 12:11
Зомби школьницы и пилы!Круто!
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21 июля 2011 года в 12:12

Шикарно жду !!!! надо ток Shadow of Damned еще пройти)

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Martin Stlouis 26
сэр Хлеб
21 июля 2011 года в 17:21

не знаю почему, но мне "Невер Дэд" вспомнился

(вновь живая оторванная голова)

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